Hold Your Broker Accountable
Investment is the cornerstone of the economy, and a responsible way for individuals to create a bright financial future for themselves and their families. To make wise investments, it's only natural to seek the advice of brokers and financial advisers who understand the markets well. Investors without expert knowledge must trust that these professionals are acting in the best interests, and according to the best practices of their profession; unfortunately, some brokers and advisers fail their clients through negligent errors or deliberate fraud.
If you have suffered financial harm at the hands of a broker or investment advisers, Berg Law, LLC can help you seek justice. We will help you use securities arbitration and litigation to hold your broker or investment adviser accountable. We are experienced at holding brokers, investment advisers and other financial professionals accountable in FINRA arbitration and in court.
Take Legal Action After Receiving Negligent Or Fraudulent Investment Advice
Our firm offers a wide range of services for investors with varying levels of experience. Whether you are a first-time investor or a market expert, our lawyers can help you seek justice when you have been financially harmed by your broker or financial adviser through malpractice such as:
- Suitability: Respond when a broker recommends inappropriate investments.
- Investment Fraud: Hold your broker responsible for false promises and misrepresentations.
- Excessive margin: Trading on margin can present conflicts of interest for your broker.
- Churning: Don't let a broker overtrade to inflate commissions.
- Unauthorized trading: Stop a broker from acting in your name without permission.
- Mutual fund fraud: Know the distinction between Class A and Class B shares.
- Overconcentration: Take action when your broker puts all your financial eggs in one basket.
- Ponzi Schemes: Hold the facilitators of Ponzi schemes accountable.
- Crypto Fraud: Recover losses from cryptocurrency fraud.
Call Us To Schedule A Free Initial Consultation
The sooner you contact our office, the sooner we can help you understand the legal context surrounding your securities issue. At a free initial consultation, we will listen to the details of your case and explain exactly how we can help. We develop legal strategies and fee arrangements tailored to your specific needs.
To schedule an appointment with a securities arbitration attorney, call Berg Law, LLC, at 504-688-4402 or contact us online. From our office in New Orleans, we serve clients throughout Louisiana and beyond.